Souterrains, le monde creusé par l'homme. Jérôme et Laurent Triolet. Carrières souterraines, champignonnières, villes souterraines, souterrains-refuges, habitats troglodytiques, tunelles de guerre, souterrains cultuels, catacombes.

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Tunnels of Vietnam


During the Indochina war, then the Vietnam war, Viet-minh and Viet-cong fighters dug gigantic subterranean networks under Vietnamese villages and jungle. These war tunnels were used as shelter for fighters, protecting them from bombardments, enabling them to escape from mopping-up operations, to move secretly and to counter attack where they were not expected. So, at the time of the Têt offensive, the attack on Saigon started from the famous Cu Chi tunnels, set about 40 kilometres north of Saigon. Elsewhere, north of DMZ in the region of Cap Lay, Vietnamese people have dug village underground refuges in order to protect civilian population, fighters and storages of weapons and ammunition.




Disused tunnel



Firing aperture

Communication tunnel



Bamboo basket

Paddy field

Hatch disguised

Hatch disguised

Hatch disguised

Hatch disguised

Connecting tunnel

Inside the tunnels

Disused entrance

Disused entrance

Disused tunnel

Tunnel under a hatch

Inside the tunnels

Connection between two levels

Connecting tunnel

Bomb shelter

Meeting room

Disguised hatch

Disguised hatch

Vent pipe


Tunnel destruction

US poster


Water well



Smoke vent

Aerial view

Disused tunnel

Disguised by vegetation

Central gallery


Bomb shelter

Weapons storage room

Meeting room


Room for refugees


Water well

Seaside access

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