Souterrains, le monde creusé par l'homme. Jérôme et Laurent Triolet. Carrières souterraines, champignonnières, villes souterraines, souterrains-refuges, habitats troglodytiques, tunelles de guerre, souterrains cultuels, catacombes.


Souterrains et croyances

The book tries to link up all conventional wisdom, digging and use of all enigmatic underground passages (souterrains aménagés). This well-illustrated book leads the reader through 7 chapters given over to the place of the underground world in conventional wisdom, to the enigmatic underground passages, to the religious underground and forbidden rites, to the sorcery, to the ring-shaped underground, and the rites of passage.

The book "Souterrains et croyances" shows the existence of underground passages made for ritual and religious use.

Published by Ouest-France publishing house, Rennes, 2002, more than 30 plans et schemas, 200 coloured photos, 128 p.



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